“Well, an ADA transition plan essentially requires you to assess your community, public buildings, and the like, and identify your weaknesses in terms of ADA compliance,” said Kay. “Then we made a plan to take care of these things.”
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Requirements can range from cheap / simple, such as: From moving switch panels 48 inches off the floor to expensive / difficult such as installing an elevator in a centuries-old building that has never been. Kay said any major ADA projects would likely be incorporated into larger, future CDBG projects.
July was a busy month for water testing, which was required by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Workers monitored the two water systems – the city’s main system and the one that primarily supplies the prison – for contaminants such as heavy metals and synthetic organic compounds. Kay said the water tests will resume in August, with tests being conducted by customers.
“So I deliver a water bottle to the customer, they fill out a piece of paper, they fill the bottle themselves, they seal it, they sign it, and they deliver it back to me, and then I take it to the testing lab,” Kay said. “We can use it to measure lead and copper in water, which is mainly taken up in households anyway. It comes from the lead solder and fittings in many older homes.
“And as soon as we get the test results back, I have to inform each of these residents about the lead and copper levels in their home. But we get a picture of what meets the water health of the city of Bonne Terre. And we were historically well below the maximum value for both lead and copper. “