TOPEKA – The Ninth Judicial District Nomination Committee reports that four people have applied for a District Judge position that will be created when Judge Joe Dickinson retires on September 18.
The 9th judicial district consists of the Harvey and McPherson districts.
Who applied:
● David Justin Bravi of Bravi Law, LLC, and Assistant Public Defender of the Reno County, McPherson District Attorney.
● Jason Robert Lane, District Attorney, Harvey County Attorney’s Office, Newton.
● Michael Xavier Llamas, self-employed at Llamas Law, LLC; Hesston City Attorney; and City Court Judge in the towns of Walton, Bruton and Florence, Newton.
● Matthew Levi Morris, Barton County District Attorney, Great Bend.
Public interviews
The nomination committee will meet on Friday, September 10th at 8:30 a.m. to interview the nominees. The session will take place in the Community Court in Newton. The interviews are public.
The interview schedule will be announced after completion.
Everyone who takes part in the interviews must follow minimum standard health protocols set by the Supreme Court. This includes answering questions at check-in about symptoms or possible exposure to COVID-19, wearing a face mask around the building, and keeping a physical distance of 6 feet from others.
ADA accommodation
Any person with a disability who requires accommodation to attend the Nominations Committee meeting should notify the ADA Justice Department Coordinator as early as possible, preferably 10 working days prior to the meeting date:
ADA coordinator
[email protected]
TTY at 711
Participation requirements
Candidates for the district judge must be:
● at least 30 years old;
● a Kansas licensed attorney who has served as an attorney, judge, or full-time teacher in a recognized law school for at least five years; and
● a resident of the 9th judicial district at the time of taking office and during his term of office.
Candidate for governor
The nomination committee will interview the nominees and then select three to five people whose names will be presented to the governor to fill the position according to legal qualification and residency requirements. The governor has 60 days after receiving the names to decide who to appoint.
Term of office
After a year in office, the new judge must run for a majority in the next general election in order to remain in office. In the event of retention, the incumbent will serve for a four-year term.
Nomination Committee
The 9th Jurisdiction Nominations Committee consists of Judge Melissa Taylor Standridge as the non-voting chairperson; Thomas Adrian, George “Chip” Westfall, Jana McKinney, and John Robb, all from Newton; Michael Androes, Harris Terry, and Ann Elliott, all from McPherson; and Amie Bauer from Lindsborg.