ACOVSD collaborating in Seamless Summer season Possibility

Press release

Adams County’s Ohio Valley School District is pleased to announce its participation in the federally funded Seamless Summer Option of the National School Lunch Program. As part of the Seamless Summer Option, all children up to the age of 18 are offered free nutritious meals in the following locations:

• North Adams Elementary, 2295 Moores Rd., Seaman, Ohio / Breakfast and Lunch

• North Adams High School, 96 Green Devil Dr., Seaman, OH / Breakfast and Lunch

• Ohio Valley CTC, 175 Lloyd Rd., West Union, OH / Breakfast and Lunch

• Peebles Elementary, 700 Peebles Indian Dr., Peebles, OH / Breakfast and Lunch

• Peebles High School, 144 Peebles Indian Dr., Peebles, OH / Breakfast and Lunch

• West Union Elementary, 555 Lloyd Rd., West Union, OH / Breakfast and Lunch

• West Union High School, 97 Dragon Lair Dr., West Union, OH / Breakfast and Lunch

If you have any questions, please contact Krystia M. Hess, Bachelor Nutrition Science, SNS Child Nutrition Director at (937) 544-5586, ext. 17300 or at [email protected].

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