The Victorian government is making changes to handicapped parking to create a simpler and fairer system for all.
The new Accessible Parking Permit (APP) system will streamline the application process and make it simpler and more consistent across the state.
The new permit is also better aligned with the COAG 2010 Australian Disability Parking Permit Scheme (ADPS) to ensure Victorian permits are recognized across the country.
Existing permits can be used up to their expiration date. If you need to apply for a new permit, you will need to apply using the new application process.
A paper-based version of the application is available for those without cell phone or internet access through our council’s customer service center. However, the online process gives a faster result.
/ Public release. This material is from the original organization and may be of a temporal nature and may be edited for clarity, style and length. Full view here.