Arc of SW Georgia, One Voice Georgia plan American Incapacity Act celebration |

Albania – The Arc of Southwest Georgia is joining One Voice Georgia for Disability Rights in celebration of the 31st anniversary of the American Disability Act (ADA), and the organizations are inviting all of Southwest Georgia to participate.

One Voice Georgia will bring together community members with and without disabilities from across the state to move with a unified voice in support of inclusion and empowerment.

A jogging, jogging, rolling and biking event is scheduled for July 23 at the Veterans Park Amphitheater in downtown Albany, benefiting people with disabilities and their families. Each mile, say the event organizers, “indicates how far we have come and how far we have to go in our struggle for equal rights for Americans with disabilities.” This celebration begins at 6:00 pm and is free and open to the public accessible.

“We hope that our friends will bid on silent auction items, various raffles, a cornhole tournament, purchases from local vendors and live music,” said officials from the organizations in a press release.

Flintlock Annie will headline the musical endeavors.

The One Voice GA Run, Walk, Roll and Bike is scheduled for July 24th along the Flint River Walk Trail. It includes 1-mile and 5K events and requires a $ 25 registration fee where each participant receives a t-shirt and race number.

The run begins at 7:30 am, after which participants enjoy food and entertainment at the Pretoria Fields Brewery. Register at or visit our website at

The Arc Georgia is a chapter of The Arc of the United States, the largest national community-based organization advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. With hundreds of state and local chapters across the country, including Georgia, The Arc’s charter network is at the forefront of making sure people with IDD get the support and services they need to be fully immersed in their lives engage their communities.

The Arc Georgia local chapters, led by The Arc Georgia, work together to provide housing, education, employment, and health services to more than 25,000 people across the state.