Asperger Syndrome from the angle of neuropsychology


February 18 is International Asperger’s Day, a still relatively unknown disorder in the general population. Today NeuronUP would like to discuss Asperger from a neuropsychological point of view.

What is Asperger’s Syndrome?

Asperger’s syndrome, a neurological disorder, is considered an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which affects the way the brain processes information.

Boys are more likely to have autism than girls. Currently, one woman for every four men is diagnosed with Asperger’s.

In what areas do people with Asperger’s have difficulty?

  1. communication
  2. Social relationships
  3. Mental and behavioral flexibility


Asperger’s Syndrome affects individuals in different ways, although they share common characteristics:

  1. Have often Difficulty dealing with social relationshipsalthough this does not affect their intellectual abilities. You often have average to superior intelligence.
  2. are naive and gullibleHowever, they are also honest, sincere and loyal to.
  3. To have Problems understanding what other people are thinking or feelingthat is, putting yourself in the shoes of others.
  4. Are you struggling to keep up with the pace of a conversation? However, they pay unusual Attention to detail from that.
  5. It is easy to get excited by changes in routines and transitions.
  6. are literally in language and understanding. In addition, their vocabulary is extensive, technical and specialized.
  7. Are overly sensitive to loud noises, Colors, light, smells or tastes.
  8. are fixated on a subject or object. You can be Experts on specific topics.
  9. Are physical awkward in sport.
  10. To have Difficulty making friends her age.

Neuropsychology and Asperger’s Syndrome:

1. Theory of mental deficit:

When we mentioned above the inability of people with Asperger’s to put themselves in the shoes of others, we were talking about the theory of mind, a concept that refers to the ability to form internal representations of others’ mental states. Hence, people with Asperger’s Syndrome need to learn these social norms because they cannot do it through simple observation.

2.Executive dysfunction theory:

“Executive functions are higher-order skills that play a role in activating, regulating, properly executing, and adjusting targeted behaviors online” (Verdejo-García & Bechara, 2010). Executive functions include processes such as working memory, planning, reasoning, cognitive flexibility, inhibition, or decision-making. Daily living activities cannot be adequately carried out when there are problems with the functioning of managers. Appropriate neuropsychological intervention, however, will be key to improving these skills.

3. Theory of dysfunction of the right hemisphere:

This theory is related to the limited ability to express and interpret emotional information. The right hemisphere specializes in visual processing and is directly related to the ability to recognize and interpret facial gestures and expressions, as well as the regulation of intonation and prosody.

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Asperger's Syndrome: What It Is, Areas, Features, and Neuropsychology

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Asperger’s Syndrome: What It Is, Areas, Features, and Neuropsychology


Asperger’s Syndrome is a neurological disorder that is on the autism spectrum and affects the way information is processed.



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