BMV, ADA workplace unveil instrument to assist deaf motorists throughout site visitors stops | Information

A new tool to assist deaf and hard of hearing drivers is being rolled out across the area.

The “Visor Card for Deaf / Hard of Hearing Communication Shelters” was unveiled on Wednesday, and officials say it is “designed to be easily identifiable by law enforcement officers and to fill any communication gap that can be difficult for either party”.

“The card bears the official seals of all government agencies that have peace officers,” and according to a press release from Government House, it will be distributed starting Monday.

Americans With Disabilities Act Coordinator Julien Henley Sr., who spearheaded the project, welcomed the support for those in need, saying, “As you can imagine, a communication barrier during a traffic stop can create immediate compliance concerns and much more can go wrong within five seconds. “

He said that in addition to the VI police officers, “all peace officers from different departments have been trained to use it.”

Motor Vehicles Director Barbara McIntosh also welcomed the tool.

“This is an important tool in removing barriers to communication as we try to accommodate all drivers of the Virgin Islands,” she said. “We believe it is important to communicate effectively and this initiative will create better working relationships with our officials and individuals in the deaf / hard of hearing community. The card is [a] Tool to improve communication. “

Henley also announced that the Bureau has begun issuing a new disabled parking poster that will now “need to hang on the rearview mirror instead of the dashboard.”

The new design uses two labels – blue posters are given to people with a permanent disability and red posters are given to people with a temporary disability.

“Each recipient will be given a disabled ID card with the appropriate poster number and expiration date to help the VI Police Department enforce the proper use of disabled parking spaces,” Henley said in a released statement.

A similar numbering system also helps in monitoring the use of the sight cards.

Henley thanked everyone who worked with his office to make the project a reality, including Camellia Williams, the Center for Independent Living staff, members of the VI Deaf / Hard of Hearing Advocates, and Ricky Joseph for helping with the design.

While the communication visor cards are available for residents on July 12th, disabled parking posters can now be picked up.

To be entitled to one of the two cards, the driver must have the disability application filled out by a doctor, which can be downloaded from

For more information, call the Bureau of Motor Vehicles at 340-713-4268 on St. Croix; 340-774-4268 to St. Thomas; 340-776-6262 to St. John; or send an email to [email protected].