City Corridor Pocket book: Updates on ADA grant, Cedar Seaside Street parking ban

Southold has raised $ 200,000 in block grant funding for updates to bring the toilets in City Hall and Recreation Center in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Detailed plans have not yet been finalized, but improved bathroom fixtures will likely come with sensors. There are four bathrooms in the town hall and two in the recreation center that need renovation.

Government liaison officer Denis Noncarrow suggested making the renovation of the recreation center a priority for now as the city continues to discuss the possible construction of a new town hall.

“If we go into these toilets we will need some ADA help and I think when we do all of that we will probably just drive the money through the leisure center toilets,” he said, adding that the city probably needs to outsource for “architectural help”.

The city has scheduled a public hearing on the renovation work on Tuesday, July 27th at 4:30 p.m.


City council members tabled a vote on whether to ban parking along Cedar Beach Road after a public hearing Tuesday evening at which residents shared their views on both sides of the problem.

Marcy Fetyani, a resident of Cedar Beach Road, spoke out in favor of the ban.

“It has to be a controlled environment because there is trash on the street and honestly, the beach is ignored,” she said. “It’s also a problem for those of us who live in the neighborhood, you know. Cars flying across the street at night simply becomes a problem. It’s a nice, quiet area, I’d like to leave it that way. ”

Board member Sarah Nappa spoke on behalf of a local resident who feared the ban would “effectively make night fishing on the beach impossible”.

The local council agreed to re-examine the issue in two weeks.


The Peconic Land Trust is seeking funds to fund further restoration of Widow’s Hole Preserve in Greenport.

The organization plans to dredge the mouth of Widow’s Hole “for small ship navigation and aquaculture operations” and use the dredged material to replenish the surrounding beach and habitat. The Land Trust also plans to create “gentle public access” to the protected area through measures such as the establishment of an education kiosk, a promenade and native plantings according to an outline of restoration plans.

Southold Town has agreed to submit a letter of support to bolster their grant application.


The Stony Brook Cancer Center mammography cart will be at the Southold Town Recreation Center on Tuesday, August 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The program is available to women over the age of 40 who have not had a mammogram in the previous year. Interested parties should make an appointment and bring their insurance card with photo ID. Those without health insurance, if eligible, are treated through the New York Cancer Services Program. There are no expenses.

Call 631-638-4135 to schedule an appointment.