Above: The city is looking at what needs improvement to meet state accessibility regulations. As part of the effort, they are looking for public input. (Pictures LR from a federal primer and the Southborough report.)
The City of Southborough is seeking feedback on plans to improve accessibility and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The city recently issued a finalized report consisting of a “self-assessment” and a “transition plan” for improvement. Selectmen are due to discuss the plan at their July 13th meeting. In advance, they ask the public to weigh:
The City of Southborough has received a draft report from a recent ADA study and self-assessment. During its meeting on July 13, 2021, the board will discuss the report with members of the ADA committee and other interested parties. As part of this process, it is our responsibility to gather feedback on the report. Please email these comments to [email protected] [or deliver them to the Selectmen’s Office] until July 8, 2021.
A disclaimer in the report explains the scope of the report:
This Self-Assessment and Transition Plan is a “planning document” that aims to identify areas where the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act regarding the provision of services, programs and activities is not being followed. In doing so, this plan provides an assessment of policies and procedures, as well as recommendations and sample documents for compliance. This plan also includes a facility assessment to identify non-compliant building and site conditions, including a description and applicable government standards for compliance.
You can read the full report here.
From page 27, the report is peppered with information on self-assessment (framed areas with blue text). The notes highlight specific problems and recommendations for specific topics. Reviews of specific government buildings with documented items (and photos) begin on page 47. Recreational facility reviews begin on page 117. (At this point, you should ignore the page numbers in the table of contents that no longer match the print or online page numbers However, the table of contents appears to be correct for the order in which the items are treated.)