Colorado requires access to state and local government websites
Colorado now requires that both state and local government agencies meet website accessibility standards.
According to a report in Colorado News Online, HB-1110, signed by Governor Jared Polis on June 30, is calling on the state Office of Information Technology (OIT) to develop standards for web accessibility and hire a software developer to assist state agencies supports their implementation.
According to the law, state authorities must submit plans for website accessibility to the OIT by July 1, 2022 and implement them by July 1, 2024. Local authorities must also meet the OIT standards by July 2024.
Agencies that have not implemented the accessibility features and consequently exclude people with disabilities from receiving services or benefits could face a court order to repair the sites, fines, or a fine of $ 3,500.
State and local agencies are already required to meet the accessibility standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act, but adding safeguards to state laws means discrimination lawsuits can be brought in a state court instead of just a federal court.
Lawyers said they hoped the new law will push governments to adhere to ADA standards, the news agency said.
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