The availability of vaccines is limited
ANNAPOLIS, MD (Jan. 21, 2021) Due to the limited supply of COVID-19 vaccines, District Manager Steuart Pittman and Health Officer Nilesh Kalyanaraman, MD, announced today that the Anne Arundel Department of Health is focusing on providing vaccines to older adults focus is 75 and older while it goes through the phase 1B category of the state. Anne Arundel County has an estimated 40,000 residents aged 75 and over. The county continues to vaccinate frontline workers in the state’s Phase 1A category.
Currently, only individuals in the state’s Phase 1A category and Phase 1B segment are eligible for appointments. Individuals at any stage, including those aged 75 and over, can pre-register with the public health department via this link to be notified when their stage for vaccinations is due. However, those who pre-register will not receive an automatic response. If availability and supplies are available for your phase, the county will send you an invitation to choose a date and time for the appointment.
“Thanks to the excellent work of our Department of Health, Fire Services, Aging and Disability,” said Pittman, “we receive 5,000 first doses every week from the federal government and give that number of shots. We’ll double our capacity as we get more vaccine . “
To date, the health department has carried out more than 10,600 vaccinations. Over 60,000 residents have already pre-registered with more than 15,000 people aged 75 and over. With the current vaccine supply, it will take a few weeks for the priority group to be vaccinated in phase 1B. The health department is currently hiring 120 new employees to help distribute vaccines.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) have partnered with the Anne Arundel County Fire Department to vaccinate educators and staff. AACPS will notify educators and other school staff separately with instructions on how to register for a fire-vaccinated appointment.
For anyone who doesn’t have internet access, the best way to sign up for a vaccination is with the help of a family member, friend, or other adult. For more information, please call 410-222-3663. The district also provides taxi vouchers for those in need of transport. Please call 410-222-4222 for more information.
During the introduction of the vaccine, the health department advises residents to continue to observe the 3 Ws: Wear a mask. Watch your distance. Wash your hands
“Vaccinating adults over the age of 75 is key to saving most lives in the coming weeks,” said Pittman, county executive. “We are eagerly awaiting news of an additional supply of vaccine from the state of Maryland so we can continue vaccinating educators and others in Phase 1B,” said Pittman, county executive.