IN YOUR CORNER: Disabled mom and son caught in condominium following renovations

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – Disabled and physically unable to leave their homes, a metro family calls KFOR. They tell ‘In Your Corner’ apartment renovations have left them helpless in their own homes.

The Isola Bella Apartments on NW 63rd are under construction, and Frank and Judy McCollum say the renovations have been going on for some time.

“I feel like a prisoner,” said Frank. “I can’t go to church on Sundays and it’s very disappointing. Church is very important to me. “

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In August last year, mother and son moved into the complex.

But two to three months ago they said that outdoor concrete work resulted in the removal of a banister outside their building.

Judy McCollum

Judy and Frank, who are both disabled, are now stuck.

“I have to do dialysis three times a week,” said Frank. “In this weakened position I can no longer get up the stairs without a railing.”

“I’m 83, I don’t have a good balance anymore,” said Judy. “I did not think [railing] would be canceled for this time. “

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For months now, the McCollums have only been able to walk with the help of Frank’s nurses or his dialysis team.

“Whenever I go on dialysis, I have someone to push me in the back and help me get up the hill,” Frank said. “And it’s still awful.”

“I can’t take out the trash because I’m standing up with the railing,” added Judy.

Photo fits the storyFrank McCollum

Frank says his cries for help, Judy, and even his healthcare workers got nowhere.

News 4 tried to resolve the issue behind the scenes, but our message was not returned.

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So we talked to management about real estate.

When asked when the railings could be installed, we were told that the project teams would complete nearby projects first and the McCollum building would follow very soon.

“[Renovation crews] are just behind us installing the railings, ”said Melissa Wheeler, Isola Bella Property Manager. “[Crews] will move [to the McCollum’s building] On Monday.”

Photo fits the storyStairs without handrails in the apartment complex.

As for the long delay, we have been told that it is a matter of project priorities.

“Well, like I said, we have priority levels and of course the bridge over the lake is a big deal because we have to have that security for people walking across the water,” added Wheeler. “With the cold weather in February and the rains recently, the concrete has stalled. You can only do what you can about the weather. The weather also slowed us down. “

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The McCollums have been told that moving is an option, but there is a problem.

“It’s costing us $ 300 because our lease didn’t expire,” said Judy. “We’re fixed income, so I don’t have $ 300 anymore. We also have to pay so that someone moves us. “

We checked with Oklahoma City officials and were told that given the age of the complex, the complex does not violate any city code.

However, they may not be ADA compliant because these rules are:

“All areas of public accommodation must be barrier-free.”

Photo fits the storyThe Isola Bella apartment complex.

However, experts tell KFOR that the ability to enforce ADA compliance is lacking in Oklahoma.

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People living in HUD or in an apartment in Section 8 can file complaints as follows:

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We will follow the situation.

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