CHENNAI: People with spinal cord injuries protested near Marina Beach on Monday, urging the government to classify them as people with multiple disabilities. The protesters also made five other demands.
“To see people with spinal injuries as ‘wheelchair users with physical disabilities only’ is wrong. Many of us have muscular and cognitive impairments after injury, ”said Gnana Bharathi, president of the Spinal Injured Persons Association, adding that people with multiple disabilities should be able to receive benefits. They also called on the government to increase the disability pension from 1,000 to 5,000 rupees.
He said disability-related ailments involving the muscular or excretory system should also fall under welfare systems put in place by the state government. The protesters added that the government is not yet required to release an accessible scooter for those with spinal injuries and urged it to be introduced soon.
Bharati said that people with spinal injuries are often thrown from their homes. “They die on the street. The government should build a house for them so that they can be rescued and rehabilitated quickly, ”he added. The protesters said many government-provided battery-powered wheelchairs were not working. Disability Commissioner Johny Tom Verghese said the government may be able to meet some requirements but the measures could be implemented after the lockdown.