Metropolis council to obtain replace of Metropolis Corridor enchancment undertaking

July 3 – Ottumwa City Council is informed of the City Hall improvement project during the meeting in the Council Chamber on Tuesday.

The building’s boiler system has been repaired “several times” and needs to be replaced, public works director Larry Seals wrote in his staff summary to the council.

Also, town hall is likely to need to advertise compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on each floor. The basement and the other three floors of the building must all meet the requirements, from the most harmless water fountains to bathroom remodeling.

An evaluation by Willett, Hofmann & Associates, the company that detailed the work required and made recommendations for upgrades, also found that the existing heating and cooling system is out of date and recommends a “Hybrid 2” HVAC system that a variation of the temperature zones with hot water.

If everything the company proposed were repaired, the cost would be $ 5.2 million, including possible fees.

The council is also expected to pass the second review of an ordinance that would allow private or leased dumpsters in urban parking lots, much like the canteen parking lot and Jefferson Street.

Also on the agenda is an amendment to the City Code on the roles and responsibilities of the City Clerk.

The council will also be available July 20 as the date for public hearings on lots at 313 Allison Ave. and 915 E. Division St.

The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. and will be streamed live on the city’s YouTube channel.

Wapello County Board of Directors

Managers are expected to approve resolutions to adopt collective agreements for the courthouse and the Secondary Roads department

Also on the agenda is the purchase of GPS for vehicles and equipment for the secondary roads for $ 727.45.

There will also be a public hearing to close and clear a section of 180th Street between 90th Avenue and 100th Avenue as that section of street is dirty and difficult for the county to maintain, county engineer Jeff Skalberg said in an earlier meeting.

The board meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. in the courtroom / boardroom on the third floor and is broadcast live on the district’s YouTube channel.

– Chad Drury can be reached at [email protected] and on Twitter @ChadDrury