State spending on disability services must increase in half over the next 10 years, according to a comprehensive review of future needs by the Ministry of Health.
The predictions are included in the Ministry of Health review of Disabled Welfare Needs and Capacity Requirements through 2032, released Thursday by Health Secretary Stephen Donnelly.
Between $ 500 million and $ 800 million of additional capital may be needed by 2032 to fund additional nursing homes and complete the closure of the state’s aging residential facilities.
The report concludes that the Health Service Executive is currently spending approximately € 2.2 billion annually on disability services, but there is a “significant unmet need”.
It is said that changes in the size and age profile of the population of disability services “will help” over the next decade.
It also says that the cost of addressing these issues is “very significant”, but that these unmet needs will continue to grow as the population ages and will become more acute if no action is taken.
“There will be significant human costs for those affected and their families.”
The new report says that addressing the capacity needed to cope with demographic change alone would not be enough “as current unmet needs are unsustainable”.
The report says that about one in seven people in Ireland, or about 643,000, has a disability or long-term illness.
Additional investment
Around 56,000 people receive services such as early intervention, multidisciplinary therapies, habilitation, rehabilitation and behavioral support, assisted living with staff, specialized terminal care, short breaks / short breaks to support caregivers, day services and support for social engagement, personal domestic help and technical aids.
The report says nursing homes currently account for about two-thirds of the disability budget. Around 8,300 people receive care assistance at an annual unit price of around 144,000 euros.
However, he warns that significant additional investment will be required.
“Every year, an average of around 90 new places are needed by
2020 to 2032 to take account of changes in the size and age structure of the disability
However, it also notes that there is a significant unmet need for inpatient care.
“Access to inpatient care has decreased since the 2008 recession. Delivery not
kept pace with population growth but actually decreased as some places didn’t meet
Regulatory standards. “
“The resulting shortage is estimated at at least 800 places up to 2,300 places.”
The report says there have been significant waiting lists for inpatient care.
“This includes people who live with very elderly parents and younger people
with complex medical needs or behavioral problems that are intense
supported. The proportion of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) in nursing homes has fallen significantly compared to pre-recession levels. In the absence of a planned program to meet identified needs, there is a limited pool of additional emergency places. With spaces so limited, only those in the most extreme situations get a place to live. “
“Category with the highest demand”
The report says that a minimum estimate made in 2019 suggests that around 800 people have an unsatisfied need for assisted housing.
“It is actually noticeable that almost 40 percent of the people listed, almost 300 people, were under 30 years of age. These young people made up almost half of those most needed in the emergency category. Typically these are mostly male, have a combined diagnosis of intellectual disability and autism and / or mental health problems, and have very high scores for behavioral support needs. This is in light of the fact that the share of housing provision for young adults has halved since the recession (from 17 percent of 20- to 24-year-olds in the national database for intellectual disabilities in 2007 to 7 percent in 2017). This has left a significant number of young people with a very high need for support, whose current life situation with their families is no longer acceptable. “
In order to cope with both the backlog and the demographic change, a total of 1,900 additional housing spaces in the minimum requirement scenario and up to 3,900 additional spaces would be required by 2032 to return to the pre-recession situation after 2008, according to the report.
The report says that additional housing will be needed for the currently outstanding 2,100 places in communal facilities.
“The total number of living spaces required will therefore be in the order of 4,000 to 6,000 in the period up to 2032. If all of them were four-person group houses, this would result in an additional 1,000 to 1,500 such houses / apartments. ”Required. If there is a range of smaller and more individual accommodations, the number of additional housing units required would be greater. “
The government announced on Thursday that it is developing a detailed three-year action plan for 2022-2025 that will “identify proposed strategic investment areas and related key outcomes to be achieved initially over a three-year period and access for people with disabilities to Providing the right services at the right time so that they can reach their full potential and play an active role in their own community ”.