NCD commemorates 35th anniversary of ‘Towards Independence’ report

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – The National Council on Disability (NCD) today celebrates the 35th anniversary of a federal report that led to the creation of the landmark law on Americans with disabilities (ADA).

On the Road to Independence: An Assessment of Federal Laws and Programs for People with Disabilities – Legislative Recommendations presented the results, conclusions and legislative recommendations of NCD based on a review and assessment of federal laws and programs. and how everyone served people with disabilities.

The report eventually recommended the creation of a civil rights law that led to the ADA.

“If you look at ADA’s history from a legislative point of view, that was the beginning,” said Andrés Gallegos, chairman of the NCD. “This has helped millions of people with disabilities dream that civil rights legislation is achievable,” he told Purpose to improve the lives and promote civil rights of people with disabilities. “

On January 28, 1986 – the same day as the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster – an expanded copy of the report was given to Vice President George HW Bush by NCD Chairman Sandy Parrino in the White House. Vice Chairman Justin Dart; Councilor Jeremiah Milbank Jr .; and managing director Lex Frieden.

Upon receipt of the report, Vice President Bush, who would later become President and legally sign the ADA, welcomed her to his office with the Chief Counsel of Vice President C. Boyden Gray to discuss the findings of the report.

The 1986 NCD report drew three general conclusions from its examination of 10 major policy issues: Federal disability programs need to better highlight initiatives for equal opportunities, independence and self-sufficiency. the importance of social security programs and other safety nets; and the need to emphasize the encouragement and support of private sector efforts to promote opportunity and independence for people with disabilities.

On January 29, 1988, the Council published a follow-up report entitled “On the Threshold to Independence”. It was the first draft of what was to be used by Congress as a framework for the ADA. Both the House and Senate passed legislation in 1988, and the ADA became law when it was signed by President George HW Bush on July 26, 1990.

Read the reports at


Nicholas Sabula National Disability Council 202-272-2076 [email protected]