Necessary-vaccination employer-liability invoice launched in Ohio Home

More than 20 Republican members of Ohio House signed their names for a new law that would allow workers who must be vaccinated against COVID-19 to keep their jobs to sue their employers for damages if they have an injury or disability suffer.

Ohio House Bill 401 was introduced the same day on Tuesday, August 24th, by Nelsonville Republican Jay Edwards, who co-funded House Bill 400, which would prohibit public schools from wearing a mask for students.

The 14-page draft law on employers’ liability includes wording that enables an employee to file a claim for damages against a company within five years of receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, as long as this was necessary as a condition of employment.

The bill expressly exempts the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation from liability for “injury or disability” caused by vaccination and changes part of the Ohio Revised Code to allow employees to contact an employer directly for an injury Sue workplace, and therefore covered by employee compensation.

Edwards was a major sponsor of House Bill 90, a bill that proposed measures restricting the right of the governor and state health director to issue long-term health orders. Similar Senate bill passed by both houses and rejected by Governor Mike DeWine. This veto was overridden by both chambers in March and the law came into force in June.

Ohio passed House Bill 606 in 2020, which provides qualified civil immunity for claims related to the exposure, transmission, or contraction of COVID-19 to Ohio’s healthcare providers and others, including individuals, businesses and schools. These protective measures should end at the end of next month.