Applications will be submitted on April 3 for the Tasmanian Government’s new fund to train people to work in elderly care and disability assistance as part of a $ 20.5 million package.
The new Rapid Response Careers in Elderly Care and Disability Assistance will provide 600 Tasmanians with skills and career paths.
It is in response to an important recommendation made in the Prime Minister’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council (PESRAC) report.
The program provides individuals with royalty-free funding for skills acquisition through the Certificate III for Individual Assistance, which is recognized as a critical qualification in elderly care and disability.
Community services and health are the largest employment sector in the state (16 percent of total employment in 2020) and are projected to grow 11 percent through 2024.
Recognized registered training organizations can apply with the application deadline on Friday, April 23, 2021.