PIP: Claims could also be affected by disability residing allowance – guidelines & eligibility defined | Private Finance | Finance

PIP can help with the additional costs associated with long-term illness and disability. As long as an applicant is eligible, they can receive anywhere from £ 23.60 to £ 151.40 per week depending on the severity of the effects of their condition.

The applicant may receive income from either or both, with the daily living part paying £ 59.70 or £ 89.15 per week.

The mobility part offers a weekly price of £ 23.60 or £ 62.25.

When an initial PIP application is submitted, applicants will receive a decision letter.

This decision letter will set out the government’s decision along with the date of the first payment and the day of the week that payments should be received in the future.

While a person is receiving PIP, they must notify the government of any changes in their circumstances, the following examples of which are:

  • Your personal information changes, for example your name, your address or your doctor
  • The help they need or their condition is changing
  • Their condition has worsened and they are not expected to live more than six months
  • You go to the hospital or to a nursing home
  • You are going abroad
  • You are imprisoned or in custody