PISD to carry particular assembly Monday

Employee report

A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pampa Independent School District will be held on July 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Pampa ISD Administration Building, 1233 N. Hobart Street, Pampa, TX 79065.

The topics that will be discussed, considered, or on which formal action can be taken are listed below. The items need not be dealt with in the order set out in this session announcement.

• Convene a quorum / meeting to appoint

• Discussion and possible actions in connection with the superintendent’s contract and / or the termination of the employment relationship

• Discussion and possible actions regarding the superintendent search process and schedule

• Advice on possible candidates for the interim / commissioner and possible measures for the appointment of the interim / commissioner

The Board of Directors may close this meeting to consult with its lawyer on any item set on this agenda, to obtain legal advice or to protect legal confidentiality. The board may also close the meeting to consult with their attorney on all other matters, if the attorney’s professional and ethical obligation to the board requires confidential communication. A closed meeting, the board will hold a closed meeting under the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E. Before a closed session is called, the chairman will publicly announce the section of the law approving the closed session. All final votes, measures or decisions are made in an open meeting.

Pampa ISD welcomes people with disabilities to attend public board meetings. If you require a disabled change or accommodation to attend or attend the public board meeting (e.g. an interpreter), please contact the district ADA coordinator Jennifer Studebaker (806-669-4700) at least 48 Meet hours before the event so that we can make all reasonable efforts to accommodate you.

Hearing impaired devices can be used without notice. The ISD administration building Pampa is wheelchair accessible.

Pampa ISD does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, gender, disability, or age (The Pampa Independent School District (PISD) does not discriminate based on race, color National origin, gender, disability or age)