President Biden commemorates 31st anniversary of People with Disabilities Act

ROCKFORD (WREX) – Monday was 31 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in the United States.

“For more than 60 million Americans with disabilities, the ADA is so much more than a law,” said President Biden. “It is a source of opportunity, participation, independent living, and respect and dignity.”

The ADA offers the same protection as the Civil Rights Act, which makes discrimination based on race, religion, and gender illegal. The ADA also requires employers to provide reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities and has accessibility requirements for public accommodation.

On the Stateline, RAMP Education & Advocacy Coordinator Eric Brown hopes more people will educate themselves about how this act affects people with disabilities.

“I would encourage people from outside the disability community to engage with members of the community and really learn from them and model their behavior from them,” Brown said.

Brown adds that there are still many barriers for people with disabilities. He hopes that in the future lawmakers will pass more laws that also include people with disabilities.