During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we recognize the immeasurable contributions that Americans with disabilities make to our workforce. Your successes not only strengthen our economies and communities, but also illustrate the power of every American to help shape the future of our country. This month we are committed to developing an American workforce where everyone can reach their God-given potential.
Three decades ago, our nation took a major step towards enabling disabled Americans to reach their full economic potential. With the passage of the landmark Act on Americans with Disabilities, these citizens have expanded access to employment opportunities, including government and community services. Since then, our nation has made great strides in creating a more inclusive workforce and ensuring a future of purpose for every American. My administration has built on these successes and provided unprecedented opportunities for more than 61 million disabled Americans. Because of these efforts, Americans with disabilities had the lowest annual unemployment rate recorded in the past year. As we continue to restore our economy from the coronavirus pandemic, we will once again provide historic employment opportunities for this incredible group of people.
Today more than ever, technology is at the forefront of our evolving national workforce. Accordingly, my administration is leveraging new technology that enables Americans with disabilities to work in new ways and in new environments. The Department of Labor’s Partnership for Employment and Accessible Technology has developed the Emerging Technology Playbook, which provides step-by-step instructions to ensure that accessibility is built into new technologies from the start. Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services has convened the Interagency Accessibility Forum to promote accessibility best practices across the federal government. My administration also works with state and local policymakers through the State Exchange on Employment and Disability initiative to create a more disabled-friendly employment landscape. While there is still progress, I am determined to expand rewarding, family-sustaining careers to Americans with disabilities in every single state.
This month we recognize the talent and skills of Americans with disabilities. Your determination and determination strengthen our country and inspire us all. Together, we will continue to foster an inclusive workforce where everyone can care for themselves and their families, realize the American dream, and enjoy the prosperity of our great nation.
In a joint resolution dated August 11, 1945, as amended (36 USC 121), Congress declared October each year to be “National Disability Employment Awareness Month”. This year’s theme “Improving Access and Opportunities” fits best.
Therefore, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, hereby declare October 2020 National Disability Employment Awareness Month. I urge the government, employers, labor organizations, and the great people of the United States to recognize the month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities in our country.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this September 30th, the year of our Lord, twenty-two thousand, and the independence of the United States of America, two hundred and forty-five, I laid my hand upon it.