Social reinvestment, Woolies alcohol megastore, and dealing to make ends meet

The latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


The federal government’s recent cut to the coronavirus supplement, passed by parliament last week, will make the Christmas season even more difficult for the nearly 2 million people currently out of paid work, as well as the more than a million children in these families .

Dr. Cassandra Goldie, CEO of ACOSS, said, “There is currently only one vacancy for 11 people looking for a job or more paid hours, and even fewer jobs in regional areas. Despite record high unemployment and underemployment, the government is cutting income support to $ 50 a day at Christmas time, almost bringing us back to the old, brutal Newstart rate of $ 40 a day. This is not the way to restore economic confidence for the country to recover from the recession. Both people and the economy need security in order to be able to rebuild. “


ACTCOSS partnered with Women with Disabilities ACT and People with Disabilities ACT on United Nations International Day of People with Disabilities 2020 to urge the federal and ACT governments to do so step up their efforts towards an inclusive and accessible Canberra.

ACTCOSS welcomed that ACT Corrective Services Disability Services Action and Inclusion Plan, and expressed concern about a ACT Inspector of Correctional Services report via the ACT Court Transport Unit (CTU), which pointed out insufficient training of CTU officers, unsuitable vehicles and risks for children and young people.


WACOSS is a member of Social Reinvestment WAwho have favourited partners on the Olabud Doogethu Project – WA’s first Justice Reinvestment Facility in Halls Creek, co-designed and run by 11 Aboriginal communities and the Shire of Halls Creek. They recently celebrated the success of the project, which reduced the number of break-ins by 58 percent in the first 18 months. Together, they share their vision of smart justice, healthy families and safer communities.


SACOSS held his Working to get to the end of the conference On Wednesday December 9th, a fantastic group of moderators gathered to discuss the challenges facing poor households. It looked at the causes of wage poverty, the rise of a post-COVID economy, and how to address people slipping through the gaps.


view the latest video DCJ Assistant Secretary Simone Walker and NCOSS CEO Joanna Quilty discuss budget highlights and how budgeting results puts customers at the center of funding decisions. If you missed it Here is the NCOSS post-budget event record.


VCOSS shared new data This shows that household spending was actually higher in some of Melbourne’s poorer suburbs during the lockdown, which helped keep the economy alive. How could that be? It found that increasing JobSeeker to a reasonable price actually enabled low-income people to spend money on basic necessities, shop in local stores, and purchase household items they could not previously afford. Another reason to permanently increase the JobSeeker rate.


QCOSS visited the member organization Communicate Queensland Over a dozen volunteers are busy here donating food, toiletries, books, and children’s toys to help people who need extra help over Christmas. Families who have signed up can choose from a range of merchandise on Communify Christmas Market Day this Wednesday, when the community gathers for a barbecue.


NTCOSS shared a message from John Paterson, CEO of Northern Territory of the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance, Who’s worried about the new Woolies liquor megastore in Darwin: “I ask the board of directors, the board members of Woolworth, will you come and help us clear the mess? It has to stop! And we will continue to work day in and day out to ensure that this liquor store no longer operates. “#Putpeoplebeforeprofits


Read the information from TasCOSS CEO Adrienne Picone Preface by doing Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tasmania Report 2020, in which she stated, “Many of us, including our Prime Minister, define the success of our state as encompassing both the good health of our people and the good health of a strong economy. These two elements are inextricably linked in our minds, as they may not have been in the past 12 months. Our physical and mental safety and wellbeing have been at the forefront of our state’s and the wider community’s response to the pandemic. “

This article was written by ACOSS Community Hub.