Study autism and the truth of individuals with ASD


World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated on April 2nd each year to help raise public awareness of the disorder and draw attention to the needs and realities of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. What do you know about this disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disorders that can cause serious, even chronic, problems with communication and social interaction, mental flexibility, and behavior.

How does autism manifest itself?

Symptoms of autism vary greatly from person to person, although all people with ASD process information in their brain differently than other people and develop at different rates in different areas.

ASD is characterized by:

  1. Clinically significant and persistent deficits in social communication:

-Problems with verbal and non-verbal communication used for social interaction

– Lack of social reciprocity

-Difficulties in developing and maintaining peer relationships that match the level of development

  1. Stereotypical or repetitive motor movements or language
  2. Unusual sensory behaviors
  3. Excessive adherence to routines or ritualized patterns and restricted interests

When does it come out?

Autism lasts a lifetime, although the symptoms and needs of people with autism change in adulthood.

Is there a cure for ASD?

There is currently no cure for this disorder. However, early diagnosis is critical in order to carry out appropriate and personalized interventions for the needs of the individual.

How many people are affected in Spain?

It is estimated that there is one case of ASD per 150 births in Europe. In Spain, this disorder is thought to affect around 45,000 people.

In addition, it is a disorder that affects men more often than women, with a ratio of 1 woman for every 4 men diagnosed.

What about in the United States?

Researchers don’t know exactly how many people in the US have ASD, but it is estimated that 1 in 68 children have been identified with ASD.

Research also shows that boys are four to five times more likely to suffer from it than girls.

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Autism and the Reality of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Autism and the Reality of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder


We explain in detail autism, its symptoms, causes and its treatment. In addition, we deal with the reality of people with ASD.



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