Survey of differently-abled youngsters from April 1- The New Indian Categorical

By Express message service

BHUBANESWAR: The state government is expected to conduct a comprehensive survey of children with disabilities from April 1st. The first census of children with disabilities is done to provide them with better treatment options and support for livelihoods. As decided by Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disability (SSEPD), the survey will be conducted by Anganwadi workers and monitored by supervisors, CDPOs and DSWOs from ICDS projects.

District Social Security Officers (DSSOs) have been directed to complete block-level training of Anganwadi workers and distribution of guidelines and survey formats by March 26th. The DSSOs were also asked to submit the list of non-ICDS areas not covered by the survey by March 22nd. In cooperation with the affected ULBs, special camps are organized for listing in these areas. SSEPD department secretary Bhaskar Jyoti Sarma said identifying children with physical deformities in the first few years after their birth is important for effective treatment and alleviation of their disabilities.

“Trained Anganwadi staff will track down all cases of children with disabilities and present the list to the social security block officers. They will monitor suspected cases at regular intervals, ”he said. According to the enumeration, a system will be put in place to identify such cases at the time of birth under the mandate under the Disability Rights Act (RPWD) of 2016. The state government is developing a mobile application for this purpose. The survey is carried out by the SSEPD department in cooperation with the department for women’s and child development.

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