Sweeney Joins with Monmouth County Democrats’ Incapacity Caucus to Focus on Methods to Advance Agenda for Incapacity Group
TRENTON – Senate President Steve Sweeney met with members of the Monmouth County Democrats ‘Disability Caucus to discuss ways to address the needs of the disabled community at the caucus’ Zoom meeting on Tuesday evening.
Senator Sweeney chairs the New Jersey Legislative Disability Caucus, a 28-member group of state lawmakers who work with lawyers, organizations, and government agencies to promote policies that improve the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Monmouth County Democrats’ Disability Caucus was founded in 2018 to advocate for disabled citizens and give them a voice in politics.
“It is gratifying to join the Monmouth County Democrats’ Disability Caucus on a cause that has long been important to me,” said Senator Sweeney. “We share a mission to meet the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, a community that has been overlooked and neglected for too long. Your work – and our work at the country level – will help ensure that their voices are heard, their needs met, and their equal opportunities for fulfilling and rewarding lives. “
“People with disabilities have a say and the right to vote. Elections are opportunities to use that vote to ensure that the officials of your choice are elected to represent them in office, “said Anita Clavering, Chair of the Monmouth County Democrats’ Disability Caucus.
Approximately 25 percent of New Jersey adults report having some type of disability. Despite the progress made since the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed 30 years ago, people with disabilities in New Jersey continue to seek opportunities to be included and represented in all aspects of life as an integral part of the fabric of our society, Sweeney noted.
The New Jersey Legislative Disability Caucus serves as a forum for promoting inclusion by ensuring that lawmakers understand the implications for the disabled community in shaping public policies and the complexities of the social service system and the issues that affect people with disabilities and their families impact, appreciate.
The group met three times to discuss the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the disabled, employment challenges, and the accessibility and affordability of housing. The next meeting will focus on transportation needs.
Senator Sweeney pointed out a number of steps lawmakers have taken to address specific needs:
Section 3468, signed into law, has established a task force to maximize the employment of people with disabilities.
Section S.1255, signed law, turning $ 20 million from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the Special Needs Trust Fund.
Section 1676, signed into law allowing hospitals to build housing and provide all-round services to homeless or unsafe people, including people with disabilities.
Section p. 1937, entered into force, establishing a task force to promote the employment of people with disabilities by government agencies.
Section 3809, which would allow companies to claim a tax credit equal to 10% of the salary and wages paid to an employee with a developmental disability.
Section 3689, which would allow exemptions from certain civil service examinations for people with disabilities.
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