The COVID‐19 pandemic has caused business closures and restrictions, supply chain disruptions, decreased demand for some firms' goods and services, and financial catastrophe for many terminated workers and…
December 20, 2020
Find out how JMBM's Global Hospitality Group® can help you.For the latest articles on Coronavirus, click here. and here for the latest information on employment advice.
Hotel attorney: what attitude should hotels…
Published: 12/19/2020 8:55:24 PMDaniel Goldstein, a recently retired attorney with Brown, Goldstein & Levy law firm in Baltimore, Maryland, joined the Board of Directors of the Disability Rights Center…
But it wasn't until I went to college in the 1970s that I grew up politically and really thought about disability rights. It came after I heard Judith Heumann, a disability rights attorney who contracted polio as a child, gave a speech…