WASHINGTON, DC - The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Civil Rights Office (OCR) announces the launch of a Request for Information (RFI) on Disability Discrimination in Health Care and Child Welfare.In…
After over 25 years of proposals and negotiations among key stakeholders—including Ohio employers and their supporting associations, the Ohio plaintiffs’ employment law bar, and various employee-rights advocates—on December 22, 2020, the…
Federal officials are considering recasting the rules to ensure people with disabilities are not discriminated against by medical providers as concerns about unequal access remain.The US Department of Health's Civil…
The U.S. Department of Health (HHS) today issued a regulatory proposal to promote the basic human dignity of people with disabilities in the national health system and protect the rights of parents seeking treatment for…
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Civil Rights Office (OCR) announced today that it has issued an Information Request (RFI) regarding health care and child welfare discrimination based on disability. In…
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed much that is usually hidden. For people with disabilities, the most revealing and terrifying aspect of the crisis is the sharper, more critical view we are getting of long-standing strains…
Author: National Down Syndrome Society (i): Contact: ndss.orgPublished: 2020-12-24Table of contents and important points:Charlotte Woodward's Organ Transplant Prevention Act prohibits discrimination against anyone based on their disability…
Author: US Department of Justice Public Affairs (i): Contact: www.justice.govPublished: 2020-07-31Table of contents and important points:The complaint alleges that Bank of America has refused to grant mortgages to anyone under…