What is the neuropsychological clinic?
The neuropsychological clinic is based on rehabilitation treatments, stimulation and cognitive training programs by NeuronUP and the implementation of behavioral therapy techniques and strategies.
To create a personal profile, we need to understand the biological nature of our thoughts, emotions, motivations, and behaviors. Today technology allows us to reveal the physiology of behavior.
As a result, when we control our cognitive abilities and our emotional world, we can achieve our goals or projects.
That is why we encourage learning, openness, proactivity, focus of attention, processing speed, flexibility, decision-making, self-esteem and emotional self-regulation.
For whom there is a need to develop emotional, cognitive and executive resources, as the good regulation of these resources enables positive relationships to be established and is a strong predictor of successful performance.
How do we work in the neuropsychological clinic?
Good luck is not accidental, but causal. For dyslexia and behavior (DC) We work for it.
Working modality
In DC the working modality consists of the application of neuropsychological training modules in three steps:
Step 1
First the Initial meeting is conducted where clinical, familial, emotional, psychosocial and learning data are collected. Scales and questionnaires are also provided at this stage to be completed by the individual, family and community. In this way we receive data from the environmental feedback with which we complete the profile of the consultant.
step 2
The Neuropsychological evaluation A full assessment is made here through various tests. These have a versatile approach to assessing superior cortical processes and functions, as well as psychological and behavioral characteristics of the individual.
That is, the assessment of intellectual functions, executive functions (fluency, cognitive flexibility, planning and organization), attention, memory, language, spatial, perceptual, construction and learning skills (reading, writing and numbers).
As well as the psychological profile, the evaluation of anxiety states, the handling of impulses, the ability to resolve conflicts, the degree of emotional self-regulation, the system of beliefs and thoughts, the modality of the interpersonal relationship, the neuropsychological abilities used for athletic performance and to control thinking.
step 3
Modular neurorehabilitation is a personalized treatment plan in which training and stimulation modules are assigned via NeuronUP for each profile. At the same time, in DC, we work with the implementation of behavioral strategies, individual coaching, and family and organizational management.
Cognitive rethinking and cognitive awareness
We are also working on these two types of strategies. And when we train the emotions, we use techniques like:
- Visualization: mental images / attention
- Positive phrases: positive reinforcement / focus
- Breathing / Relaxation: Improves stress, brain flushing, and oxygen supply
Goals and targets achieved in the neuropsychological clinic
By stimulating the cortical areas involved in each profile and implementing compensatory therapeutic techniques and strategies, the following is achieved:
to build bridges
Our brain changes thanks to stimulation, as it has the ability to reorganize, adapt and modify itself. This is due to neural neuroplasticity, which is the physical alteration of our brain through experience and learning. In this way, it is achieved through continuous and explicit training (NeuronUP + therapy approach – calculated with 士 35 hours of stimulation).
Know coping strategies
And so strengthen the executive functions, improve self-regulation and change attentional behavior, which improves the processing speed.
Apply learning techniques
Based on the fact that Learning changes the brain With the aim of achieving flexible learning, it is possible to compensate, sequence and analyze planning and organizational techniques and strategies.
Manage emotions
Emotions are neural circuits and are therefore subject to the reversibility of neural plasticity. Thus, with exercise, we develop habits to combat negative emotions that provoke an emotional response and increase levels of stress and anxiety.
Neuropsychological Clinic in Sports
How neuropsychology affects sport and how it works in DC
Psychological Variables Affecting Sports Training
In sports neuropsychology, we in DC work on the psychological variables that influence sports training, namely:
- concentration
- motivation
- Attention
- anxiety
- Self-confidence
- Planning / organization
- memory
- make decisions
How we work in DC’s Sports Neuropsychology Clinic
We train in mind control and its influence on sport. As it changes bad habits, directs and controls attention / focus and helps manage stress. It also regulates self-confidence, motivation, reduces cognitive fears and promotes self-control.
On the other hand, we are working to make inappropriate ways of processing information and rigid interpretations of the environment, relationships and ourselves more flexible.
Our goal is change:
- Form
- The frequency
- The intensity of the experience
To change:
- Reactive behavior
- Full care
- Develop thinking and thinking skills
Acceptance and engagement regulate fears, improve frustrations, and increase self-esteem, thereby improving energy, wellbeing, and motivation, and creating an environment in which self-control can be exercised.
To learn more about our proposal, visit us at dislexiayconducta.com
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The neuropsychological clinic: what it is, methodology and goals
Do you know what the neuropsychological clinic is? From dyslexia and behavior, they explain the techniques and strategies in the neuropsychological clinic.
Marcela Alegre
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