Three Staff Named to Civil Rights Committee

University of Arkansas

From left Cynthia Nance, Danielle Weatherby and Danielle L. Williams.

Three University of Arkansas employees have been appointed to the Arkansas Advisory Committee of the United States Civil Rights Commission to provide advice and guidance on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The commission appointed Cynthia Nance, Dean Emeritus and Nathan G. Gordon, Professor of Law; Danielle Weatherby, Associate Professor of Law; and Danielle L. Williams, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director of the Equal Opportunities and Compliance Office for a four year term beginning last month.

The U.S. Civil Rights Commission is an independent, non-partisan agency founded by Congress in 1957 to focus on issues of race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, or national origin. The focus is on, among other things, investigating citizens’ voting rights complaints, investigating discrimination or denial of equal protection under the law, and submitting reports and recommendations to the President and Congress.

The commission established advisory committees in each state and the District of Columbia to inform the commission on civil rights issues of state and national interest.

“These three women were clearly selected because of their expertise, advocacy and passion for equality and civil rights,” said Chancellor Joe Steinmetz. “We appreciate your selection on this important committee and we know that you will represent the campus and the state of Arkansas extremely well.”

A full list of nominated persons can be found on the Commission’s website.