Turkey Valley Community School District is leading a capital campaign to raise funds for a dual purpose. The goal of the capital campaign is to raise $ 650,000.
To date, TVSD has raised € 250,000, including $ 24,000 in grants. The school board provided US $ 75,000 and US $ 76,000 from the Athletic Boosters for the projects that have already been completed to improve the softball complex and for easily accessible raised football stands. There is also a future commitment of $ 75,000 from the school board.
The first project is to build a greenhouse to improve and strengthen agricultural education and the FFA program. The greenhouse horticulture learning facility will be 24’x48’x8 ‘and will be located near the baseball field on the school grounds. Future plans for the facility include students installing an irrigation system to produce plants for growing vegetables and flowers. Students will raise poinsettias and mothers for sale, developing many skills used in the horticultural industry.
FFA students and staff have applied for scholarships and received sizable dollars, but will need funding to build the greenhouse. Your goal is to have it built and put into operation in the 2021–2022 school year.
Concessions, ADA toilets
The second is to help Athletic Boosters fund the construction of upgraded concession stands with Americans-with-Disabilities (ADA) -compliant toilets and food distribution facilities that meet health and safety standards. A new concession booth will serve the soccer and baseball fields as well as house a utility room and an upper crow’s nest for the announcement. A new softball concession booth will add storage space, a unisex / ADA compliant toilet and an upper crow’s nest.
More information
All Turkey Valley alumni and benefactors of the Turkey Valley District and some surrounding areas will be contacted in the near future. Donations can be made to the Turkey Valley Education Foundation and mailed to 413 W. Spring Street, Lawler, IA 52154.
For more information, companies and individuals can contact co-chairs John Cuvelier at (319) 269-3924 or Jim Zajicek at (563) 380-6484 or committee members David Anderson, Don Manderfield, or Austin Vrzak.