A voice for disability rights: Cosplayer Majarde Sith speaks out

Retired pro gamer Marajade Sith has excelled in everything she has done to date. Besides that Model and actress, the famous American cosplayer also has degrees in education, arts and biology. What many people do not know about marajad is that, even if it is not noticeable, she is disabled.

Invisible diseases cause a lot of misunderstanding. Marajade herself was tired of the lack of empathy she felt from people, including some doctors. For several years she has been taking a stand and has become one of the strongest advocates for openness to disabilities and the fight for disability rights.

Disabilities change life

Marajade was born in the USA and spent six of her teenage years in Germany. Upon her return to the States, she enrolled directly in college to pursue her dream of becoming an arts, music, and science teacher.

She began playing professionally during her college years. She was part of a team that played Call of Duty 4, Modern Warfare, and Battlefield 2. After winning two Warhammer tournaments in 2007, Marajade suddenly became very ill. From that point on, her life changed drastically. She could not teach or travel to game tournaments.

Marajade spent 15 years in and out of hospitals undergoing countless tests. What she noticed was that not all doctors were interested in listening. “Stigma, stigma, stigma. It’s very hard to convince people that when you look good on the outside, you are sick, ”she says. “Dealing with doctors and people who would like to classify you as counterfeiters is tough. This eventually made me feel anxious and depressed.

Carve a niche

It was only last year that Marajad Sith was fully diagnosed. She now knows that she has myasthenia gravis, Hashimoto’s disease, small fiber neuropathy, vitiligo, fibromyalgia, and heart problems.

The first few years were a struggle, her body crying out for help it didn’t get. Despite her troubles, Marajad decided to stand up against the Misconceptions about disabilities and looked for ways to keep busy.

In 2013 she joined the SuicideGirls community as a model and is still a member today. She feels it was thanks to her help regaining her confidence in showing her body. Streaming on Twitch helped her build a community of like-minded people where she also created her unique artwork for sale.

In 2018, Marajade Sith began working on the TV show Uneducated. As one of the hostesses, she traveled around looking for items of pop culture to share with the audience. The show is currently dormant.

Despite her disability – she often spends several days in bed – Marajade still accepts art assignments and creates content online. She is also active Instagrammer and Facebookers with a strong following on both social media platforms.

Combating Disability Discrimination

The gorgeous redhead is introverted and cosplay allows her to get out of her shell. “I love bringing a favorite character to life or even creating a new one,” says Marajade. “Dressing up helps me overcome my shyness, especially when I meet new people. I love it when I can make others smile. “

Marajade is the name of her favorite Star Wars character and the name she chose as a gamer. It has stayed since then, and she added “Sith” a few years later. Sith has two meanings for Marajads, the first is from Sith Lord, while the second is derived from the words “sick in the head”. This happened in 2012 when she was struggling with severe depression and mental agony. By that point she had gotten to the point where she made several suicide attempts. The counseling helped her overcome these feelings, but the name stuck.

Dream on

As a realist, Marajade knows that her disabilities will continue to affect her way of life. Before it’s too late, she wants to pursue her dreams and passions. Right now, Marajad Sith is working hard to get her dog training certification.

Along with her vote for recognition of all disabilities, her bucket list includes moving to Australia with her beloved husband and dogs.

Her last wise words: “Be kinder to people and do not judge someone based on an online photo. You never know what someone is going through. A negative remark is more damaging than anyone can imagine, and kind words have a remarkable effect! “