Regional news from Saturday, July 24th 2021
Source: GNA
GBU calls on the government to support Ghanaians with disabilities
The Ghana Blind Union (GBU) has organized a training program for actors in the disability sector on the African Disability Protocol (ADP).
The African Disability Protocol builds on the rights enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN Charter, which gives it an African relevance.
The GBU, with support from Sight Savers, Ghana, is campaigning to ratify the African Disability Protocol and has set up a National Advocacy Committee to involve stakeholders to promote ratification of the protocol
Ms. Getrude Oforiwaa Fefoame, lawyer for equality and disability rights and committee member of the UN Disability Rights Convention, guided the participants through the various articles in the ADP.
Noting that the ADP is more specifically tailored to the needs of people with disabilities in Africa, she said: “It is simplified and emphasizes the human rights of Africans with disabilities”.
Dr. Peter Obeng Asamoah, Executive Director of the Ghana Blind Union, called on the government to urgently ratify and implement the ADP in order to support Ghanaians with disabilities.