Incapacity Rights Florida Worries Effort To Ban Seclusion, Restraints Will Have Reverse Impact – Central Florida Information

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A decade-long effort to curb the seclusion and reluctance of children with disabilities could lead to an outcome this year, but the outcome could be disappointing for advocates of disability rights.

Lawmakers are close to banning seclusion, but Caitlyn Clibbon of Disability Rights Florida fears that restraint systems like handcuffs, zip ties, and straitjackets won’t be banned:

“The law specifically states that you can use handcuffs, zip ties, and straitjackets, and the law doesn’t specifically allow those things right now. And it is questionable whether the law forbids these things now, depending on how you read it and where you put the comma. “

Clibbon deals with accounting language, which defines constraints and outlines when and how they can be applied to disabled children.