Incapacity Rights Lawyer Tapped for HHS Normal Counsel Put up (1)

Benefits & Executive Comp

ALASTAIR PIKE / AFP via Getty Images

August 6th, 2021, 8:55 pm; Updated: August 6, 2021 at 9:06 p.m.

  • He previously worked in the Justice Department under Obama
  • Well-known legal scholar on questions of disability law

President Joe Biden has elected Samuel Bagenstos to be his General Counsel for the Department of Health and Welfare.

If approved, he will help the agency establish airtight guidelines and defend them against challenges.

Bagenstos has been General Counsel in the Office of Management and Budget since the beginning of 2021. He was previously a law professor at the University of Michigan and assistant attorney general for civil rights in the Department of Justice. Bagenstos has authored a leading case book on disability law and tried four cases before the Supreme Court.

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