Incapacity Rights Teams Say Britney Ought to Be In a position to Select New Lawyer

Britney Spears would like to be able to choose a new lawyer – an idea that several disability rights organizations agree to and which are now being submitted to a judge in writing.

Lawyers representing 27 different entities – dealing with things like AIDS advocacy, civil liberties, autism support, elderly benefits and more – have filed new legal papers telling the judge that Britney should have the final say on who her lawyer should be s) comes next.

According to the file received from TMZ, groups like Choice in Aging, Disability Rights California, Autistic Self-Advocacy Network and others are taking their case to court – namely, providing reasons why Brit should not be deprived of her existence can make that choice.

The groups say Britney has a right to due process … that includes choosing her own lawyer to help her make informed decisions and communicate effectively in the Conservatory case – something she like to text messages to people about specifically specifically requested Jodi Montgomery.

This, of course, comes on the heels of her longtime attorney, Sam Ingham, request resignation from the case … which could be brought up in a hearing on Wednesday.