New ADA-accessible playground opens in Sundown Hills

SUNSET HILLS, Mon – A new playground opens on Sunday that is fun for all abilities and an all-inclusive experience in equal measure.

You broke ground for the new playground in Watson Trail Park last year in 2020. A number of people were involved in this project, including Rob and Sally Rains and their nonprofit Rainbow for Kids, the city of Sunset Hills, and former St. Louis Cardinals manager, Whitey Hertzog.

For 21 years, the non-profit organization Rainbow for Kids has been collecting money for families of children with cancer and for projects like the ones that are coming in the next few months.

Rainbow for Kids and Herzog have jointly decided on the ambitious, barrier-free playground Watson Park ADA.

A groundswell began with seed capital from Rainbows for Kids and the Whitey Herzog Foundation.

The City of Sunset Hills received a $ 370,000 grant to expand the Watson Trail Park Playground.

The ADA-accessible playground will offer facilities for people with disabilities, including wheelchair-accessible swings and carousels.

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