NYLPI’s Incapacity Justice Program highlights rights to housing and employment

NYLPIs Disability team has recently started working with organizations like Synergia NY, the Community, Inclusion and Development Alliance, AHRC New York, and the Guide for thinking people to autism, as well as the office of the NYC Public Advocate about accessibility events in New York City. NYLPI is committed to educating NYC residents about their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as employment and housing become cornerstones during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. What are reasonable accommodation under the ADA? How do you ask about them when you get an apartment or a job? How are these precautions enforced and how has COVID-19 affected the current landscape?

Last week Ruth Lowenkron, NYLPI Director of the Disability Accessibility Program, spoke at a panel discussion on labor rights, remote working and disabled access. Lowenkron started the body by defining reasonable accommodation under disability law as: “a change in the workplace, the working environment, [or] the usual procedure that is required to enable people with disabilities to have equal employment opportunities. “

The full panel can be viewed on the Ombudsman’s Office Facebook page: https://fb.watch/7teARKCY5q/.

ASL interpretation and open captioning were included as part of the panel.

In this week Suhali Méndez, Senior Advocate of the Disability Accessibility Program, joined Sinergia NY to give a presentation on decent housing in NYC. This training was conducted to educate the public about their legal rights in the area of ​​reasonable accommodation and how to enforce their rights.

The full training can be viewed on the Sinergia Facebook page: https://fb.watch/7tfeRxsrOD/.

Open captions were included as part of the panel.

Learn more about NYLPI’s Disability Accessibility Program Here.