Jaipur: At the request of Hemant Goyal of Divyang Adhikar Mahasangh, the Office of the Commissioner for Particularly Disabled People wrote to the director of the secondary school and objected to his proposal to only advise people with disabilities (PwD) who are more than 70 percent for the Sending school teachers to the districts are disabled.
The Disability Court indicated that the department’s order was in violation of the provisions of the Disability Rights Act 2016.
“Our objection was that PWDs with more than 70% disability were admitted to counseling. According to the law, people with more than 40 percent disability should be admitted to counseling, ”Goyal said.
Previously, the court had written to the state’s legal department to give people with disabilities (PwDs) priority in notary appointments in 2,000 state government-run posts.
According to the provisions of the notary rules, the maximum number of notarial appointments in Rajasthan is 1,500 notarial appointments from the central government and 2,000 notarial appointments can be made at the state government level.