U.S. FBI Hate Crime Statistics 2019

Author: FBI National Press Office (i): Contact: fbi.gov

Published: 11/17/2020

Table of contents and important points:

FBI hate crime data submitted by 15,588 law enforcement agencies provides information on crimes, victims, perpetrators and locations of hate crimes.

The reports submitted cover 7,314 criminal incidents and 8,559 crimes motivated by prejudice against race, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender and gender identity.

Law enforcement agencies can specify the location of a crime within a hate crime incident as one of 46 locations.

Main digestion

The FBI just released Hate Crime Statistics (2019), the latest compilation of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program on biased incidents across the country. The 2019 data, submitted by 15,588 law enforcement agencies, includes information on crimes, victims, perpetrators and locations of hate crimes.

Law enforcement agencies filed incident reports of 7,314 offenses and 8,559 offenses motivated by prejudice against race, ethnicity, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender and gender identity. Please note that the UCR program does not value criminal offenses for the jurisdictions of agencies that do not file reports. Highlights of the 2019 hate crime statistics will follow. (Due to rounding, percentage failures may not contribute 100%.)

The FBI’s infographic reads: Hate Crime Statistics, 2019 Bias Motivations 15,588 law enforcement agencies reporting to the UCR program in 2019 found 7,103 single bias incidents involving 8,552 victims. A distribution of victims by type of bias shows the following: disability: 2.0%, gender: 0.9%, gender identity: 2.7%, sexual orientation: 16.7%, race / ethnicity / ancestry: 57.6%, Religion: 20.1%. Photo credit: US FBI.

Victims of hate crime incidents

There were 7,103 single bias incidents with 8,552 victims. A percentage distribution of victims by type of bias shows that:

  • 57.6% of victims were targeted based on the racial / ethnicity / origin of the perpetrators.
  • 20.1% were targeted because of the perpetrators’ religious prejudice.
  • 16.7% were harassed because of the sexual orientation of the perpetrators.
  • 2.7% were targeted due to the tendency towards gender identity of the perpetrators.
  • 2.0% were killed because of the handicap of the perpetrators.
  • 0.9% became victims because of the perpetrators’ gender-specific prejudices.

There have been 211 multiple prejudice hate crime cases involving 260 victims.

Offenses by crime category

Of the 5,512 hate crimes classified as crimes against persons in 2019:

  • 40% were for intimidation
  • 36.7% were for simple attacks
  • 21% were for grievous bodily harm

Fifty-one (51) murders; 30 rapes; and three human trafficking crimes (commercial sex acts) were reported as hate crimes. The remaining 41 hate crimes were reported in the Other category.

There were 2,811 hate crimes classified as crimes against property. The majority of them (76.6%) were destruction / damage / vandalism. Robbery, burglary, theft, vehicle theft, arson and other crimes accounted for the remaining 23.4% of crimes against property.

Two hundred and thirty-six (236) additional offenses were classified as crimes against society. This crime category represents the prohibition of society from engaging in certain types of activities such as gambling, prostitution and drug abuse. These are typically victimless crimes where property is not an object.

Known perpetrators

In the UCR program, the term known perpetrator does not mean that the suspect’s identity is known. Rather, the term indicates that an aspect of the suspect has been identified, thereby distinguishing the suspect from an unknown perpetrator. Law enforcement agencies report the number of offenders and, if possible, the race of the offender or offenders as a group. Starting in 2013, law enforcement authorities reported whether the suspects were juveniles or adults and, where possible, the suspect’s ethnicity.

  • Of the 6,406 known perpetrators, 52.5% were white and 23.9% were black or African American. Other races were responsible for the remaining known offenders: 1.1% were Native Americans or Alaskan, 0.9% were Asian, 0.3% were Hawaiian or other Pacific islanders, and 6.6% were multi-racial. The race was unknown to 14.6%.
  • Of the 5,443 known offenders for whom ethnicity was reported, 33.1% were non-Hispanic or Latino, 10% were Hispanic or Latino, and 1.9% were from multiple races. The ethnicity of 55.0% of these offenders was unknown.
  • Of the 5,599 known felons for whom the age was known, 84.6% were 18 years of age or older.

Hate crime locations

Law enforcement agencies can specify the location of a crime within a hate crime incident as one of 46 locations. In 2019:

  • Most hate crime incidents (24.6%) occurred in or near homes.
  • More than 18% (18.2) occurred on highways / streets / alleys / streets / sidewalks.
  • 9.6% occurred in schools.
  • 4.7% occurred in parking lots / parking lots / garages.
  • 4.4% took place in churches / synagogues / temples / mosques.
  • The location was reported as other / unknown for 11.2% of hate crime incidents.
  • The remaining 27.3% of hate crime incidents occurred in different or multiple locations.


This edition of Hate Crime Statistics and the upcoming edition of NIBRS, slated for release later this year, are the final UCR crime data releases to be published in traditional format on fbi.gov

Past hate crime statistics

  • FBI Hate Crime Statistics 2016: FBI Hate Crime Statistics, 2016 – U.S. biased incidents filed by law enforcement regarding crime, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes.
  • 2015 FBI Hate Crime Statistics: Law enforcement agencies filed reports of 5,850 criminal incidents and 6,885 offenses based on prejudice about race, ethnicity, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, and gender identity.
  • 2009 FBI Hate Crime Statistics: The FBI published hate crime statistics include data from reports of hate crimes filed by law enforcement agencies across the country.

(i) Source / Reference: FBI National Press Office. Disabled World makes no guarantees or warranties in connection therewith. Content may have been edited for style, clarity, or length.

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Page quote:

Journal: Disabled World. Language: English. Author: FBI National Press Office. Electronic publication date: 2020-11-17. Last revision: 2020-11-17. Reference Title: “US FBI Hate Crime Statistics 2019,” Source: US FBI Hate Crime Statistics 2019. Summary: The FBI hate crime data submitted by 15,588 law enforcement agencies includes information on crimes, victims, perpetrators and locations of hate crimes. Retrieved on December 8, 2020 from https://www.disabled-world.com/disability/statistics/hcs-2019.php – reference category number: DW # 42-13897.