UN Incapacity Rights Committee To Evaluate Estonia

GENEVA (March 4, 2021) – The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) will hold its upcoming meeting from March 8 to April 1, 2021 and will examine Estonia’s report.

This is the first assessment by the Committee on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by Estonia. Estonia ratified the convention in May 2012.

In the public dialogue to take place online and via webcast on March 12th, 15th and 17th, the CRPD, which received the country report from Estonia as well as contributions from NGOs and other stakeholders, will discuss a number of issues with the state delegation and the Chancellor of Justice of Estonia.

The review will focus on the shift of laws, policies and practices in Estonia from the medical, charitable, paternalistic and welfare approaches of disability to the human rights model of disability.

The Committee underlines the importance of deinstitutionalization strategies and in particular can discuss the steps taken by the Estonian government to enable people with disabilities to live independently and be accepted into the community.

More information on the online country review of Estonia, including reports from the State party, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders, is now available online.

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